Posted by: evesmarketing | February 12, 2023

Valentine’s Day Personal Touch

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!!! I remember one Valentine’s day. My husband and I didn’t have much money so we had decided to not go out for dinner. You know us women we sometimes have a pity party for ourselves. Then I decided we could have our own special dinner at home, so I got busy and set the table with candles pulled out some hamburger, made hamburger steak, baked potato, salad, and baked a cake! I got dressed up as if we were going out to dinner. When my husband came in from work. I told him to take a shower and put on the clothes I had laid out for him. He did and came out and said I thought we were not going out for dinner, I said we are not we are staying home! We had the best evening it was great. The moral to my story is make the best of life that you can. We did not have a top choice steak but that’s what we had.

We have all been there at some point where money was tight, sometimes those memories stand out more when reflecting back.!  Have a great Valentine’s Day and make the best of it. Our dog Rolly has been doing good. I have a friend that just adopted twins!!!  Cats, that is!!!  I will keep you informed on how they are progressing!!!

To celebrate Valentines Day, we like to share some items to enjoy or to give that special someone a gift. Remember, this is one holiday you do not want to buy items for the house. Keep your gifts more personal and think romantically. spend more quality time with that special person.

Thanks again for visiting our blog on Valentine’s Day. From all of us from Gifts & Collectibles Galore your perfect place for finding gifts and collectibles at affordable prices.

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