Posted by: evesmarketing | December 19, 2012

Short on Cash for Christmas Gifts?

Are you short on cash for Christmas Gifts?  Because of the economy or maybe you lost your job, are you depressed looking ahead at the holidays and knowing you have nothing to give? No money to buy?  Do you feel you have let your family down? Do you feel depressed?  Sounds gloomy doesn’t it?  But cheer up…we have the some answer for you!!sad blue face

There is more to Christmas then just giving presents to each other.  Do you want to give a Christmas present that will go on giving all year?   Here are some gift ideas that are very memorable and do not cost any money.  These gifts are given from the heart and not the pocket book.   If so, then consider these giving ideas… Give of your self or of your time. That’s right…NOW DON’T get the wrong idea!  Because unless your married you might run into problems…I mean take out a piece of paper and write …

lady cleaning mirror

Helping to clean house


I will do your house cleaning for……….weeks!



babies crying

Helping by baby sitting


Is there someone with children, you could baby sit for them free for “x” amount of times.


coupe shopping together

Take someone shopping as a gift



Take someone to the grocery store,




family raking leaves

family doing lawn work as a gift



pull weeds, rake leaves,  or mow their lawn for “x” amount of time,



errons in caror …. how about the older person who could use help taking them to the doctors or running errands…..



baking cookies

baking cookies to give as a gift


You could even tell one of your “All alone” friends that you will bake something once a week for so many months,  and the list can go on and on.




Can you see what these gifts have in common? They all come from the heart and not from the billfold. As crazy as it may seem to some …

Christmas has become a time when the average American household can’t afford to splurge on costly electronics or DVD games. It has become a time to use our Yankee- know- how and to help each other out in seemingly small ways for us… But for benefactor of your Every Day Christmas gift it will mean more than all the gold and silver in the world. So …. take out a piece of paper…. hand make it into…. A Christmas Gift from the heart.  We have been down in this place of no money to give as gifts and gave of ourselves. You know what…  we received more satisfaction giving from the heart rather than the pocket book. The surprised look on their faces tells you…. you have given them a special gift and one of need!  To tell you a little secret…We receive more satisfaction in giving of our time, then we did giving then a gift they may or may not have needed or even liked.

If you have done something or given something special from the heart, we would like hearing from you and your experiences.

We at Gifts and Collectibles Galore wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas from our hearts to yours.  John & Carrol

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